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DWTI ETC [Stocks with unique charm observed from volume changes]
Stock closing prices compared to the previous day Volume *<165A>* SBI Leos 198,228,405,700 *<7849>* Starts Publishing 30,152,345,600 *<2216>* Kanro 3,770,125,328,800 *<1799>* Daiichi Construction 25,481,499,3800 *<6653>* Shoei Electric 125,157,674,100 *<5214>* Nippon Electric Glass 370,231,329,94700 *<7018>* Utsumi Construction 527,031,587,700 *<4576>* DWTI 1,402,115,253,000 *<5
Daiichi Construction surged to a record high since its listing, reflecting positive sentiment towards the upward revision of its Financial Estimates.
Daiichi Construction Industry <1799.T>, which is engaged in railroad facility construction, has updated its record high since its listing. At one point, it reached 2,585 yen, up 186 yen from the previous day. After the market closed on the 5th, an upward revision of the financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 was announced, seen as a bullish element. The full-year operating profit estimate was raised from 4.3 billion yen to 6.2 billion yen (a 64.4% increase compared to the previous year). In addition to the increase in order volume, the progress of carryover construction also led to an increase in construction volume. The cumulative operating profit for the third quarter (April to December 2024) is 4.875 billion yen (preliminary).
KDDI, 3Q operating profit increased by 2.0% to 864.5 billion yen.
The results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025 announced by KDDI (9433) show that revenue increased by 2.3% year-on-year to 4 trillion 364.1 billion 95 million yen, and operating profit rose by 2% to 864.5 billion 66 million yen. The mobile and personal-oriented business and corporate support for digital transformation (DX) performed well. The equity method investment profits from major convenience store Lawson also increased. The fiscal year 2025 performance outlook remains unchanged from the previous estimates. [Positive Assessment] (5035) HOUS.
Key points of attention for PTS on the 5th = SBI Leos, Daiichi Construction, WOLVES.
▽ SBI Reos <165A.T>, the introduction of a shareholder incentive program after the Earnings Reports. ▽ Daiichi Construction <1799.T>, Earnings Reports and revision of Financial Estimates. ▽ WOLVES <194A.T>, acquisition of stocks of Bahati (becoming a subsidiary). ▽ CubeSys <2335.T>, Earnings Reports and revision of Financial Estimates. ▽ Sato Foods <2923.T>, decision to grant large-scale growth investment subsidies for wage increases aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises. ▽ Mie Transportation HD <3232.T>, Earnings Reports and expansion of the shareholder incentive program. ▽ AEA.
Daiichi Kensetsu Sees Parent FY Net Y4.50B
Daiichi Kensetsu 9-Mos Parent Net Y3.59B Vs Net Y2.06B