Shenzhen China A: Summary Report of Guojin Securities Co., Ltd. on the continuous supervision and sponsorship of the non-public offering of shares of Shenzhen Zhonghua Bicycle (Group) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen China A: Shenzhen Xinsen Jewelry Gold Supply Chain Co., Ltd.\'s proposed equity transfer involving some of its shareholders\' equity value projects asset evaluation report (Yuwei Review Report [2023] No. 041)
Shenzhen China A: Detailed Report on Changes in Equity
Shenzhen China A: Prompt Notice on Disclosure of Detailed Report on Changes in Equity
Shenzhen China A: Announcement on shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares and those acting in concert with the shareholding ratio of more than 1% due to the passive dilution of the company's non-public offering of shares
Shenzhen China A: Sponsorship letter from Guojin Securities Co., Ltd. for the listing of Shenzhen China's non-public offering of A-shares
Shenzhen China A: Report on the Issuance of Non-public Shares and Listing Announcement
Shenzhen China A: Report on the Issuance of Non-public Shares and Summary of Listing Announcements
Shenzhen China A: Report of Guojin Securities Co., Ltd. on the issuance process of the non-public offering of shares of Shenzhen Zhonghua Bicycle (Group) Co., Ltd. and the compliance of subscribers
Shenzhen China A: Capital inspection report on the availability of funds raised by the non-public offering of A-shares by Shenzhen Zhonghua Bicycle (Group) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Zhonghua A: Special legal opinion from Beijing Guofeng Law Firm on the issuance process of the non-public offering of A-shares by Shenzhen Zhonghua Bicycle (Group) Co., Ltd. and the compliance of subscribers
Shenzhen China A: Report on the issuance of non-public shares of Shenzhen Zhonghua Bicycle (Group) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen China A: Announcement on post-conference matters relating to the non-public offering of A-shares
Shenzhen China A: Simplified Report on Changes in Equity (2)
Shenzhen China A: Simplified Equity Change Report (1)
Shenzhen China A: Announcement on related transactions involving this non-public offering of shares
Shenzhen China A: 2016 Non-public Offering of A Shares Plan
Shenzhen China A: Announcement on progress in planning a non-public offering of shares
Shenzhen China A: Announcement on progress in planning a non-public offering of shares
Shenzhen China A: Notice of suspension of trading related to planning a non-public offering of shares