Fit Easy: Notice regarding key KPIs (number of members and number of stores) for the fiscal year ending 2025/10 for the month of February
Fit Easy: Notice regarding major monthly KPIs (number of members and number of stores) for the fiscal year ending 2025/10
Fit Easy: Corporate Governance Report 2025/01/31
Fit Easy: Internal Control Report - 7th Term (2023/11/01 - 2024/10/31)
Fit Easy: Extraordinary Report
Fit Easy: Confirmation
Fit Easy: Securities Report - 7th Term (2023/11/01 - 2024/10/31)
Fit Easy: Matters relating to controlling shareholders, etc.
Fit Easy: Notice of the first opening of a medical fitness store as a facility under section 42 of the Medical Care Act
Fit Easy: Independent Officer Registration Form
Fit Easy: Change reports (stock certificates subject to special cases, etc.)
Fit Easy: Notice of the 7th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Fit Easy: Notice of Convocation of the 7th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Shareholders' Meeting Materials
Fit Easy: Notice regarding the main KPIs (number of members and number of stores) for the fiscal year ending 2025/10 December
Fit Easy: [Delayed][Summary]Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended October 31, 2024(Under Japanese GAAP)
Fit Easy: Financial results presentation materials for the fiscal year ending 2024/10
Fit Easy: Summary of financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/10 [Japanese GAAP] (unconsolidated)
Fit Easy: Notice regarding the main KPIs (number of members and number of stores) for the fiscal year ending 2025/10 November
Fit Easy: Notice regarding the main KPIs (number of members and number of stores) for the 2024/10 fiscal year ending October
Fit Easy: Large shareholding reports (special exception share certificates, etc.)