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Stock News Premium = Selectable strong stocks from the October to December financial results.
<Enomoto, towards a full recovery in performance> Enomoto <6928.T>, which handles lead frames used in Semiconductor packaging and components for connectors, is likely to see a significant step towards recovery by the end of March next year. The company experienced a substantial decline in earnings in the previous period due to the slowdown in the power Semiconductors and EV (Electricity Vehicle) markets (consolidated operating profit 160 million yen, a 90% decrease compared to two periods ago). Although profit levels remain low this period, the momentum for recovery is increasing. Restructures for Enhanced Growth and Innovation
Earnings Call Summary | KAKAKU.COM. INC(KKKUF.US) Q3 2024 Earnings Conference Reports Strong Third Quarter Earnings Growth Announces Increased Year-End Dividend With Special Payout Reports Strong Earnings Growth in Q3 FY2025