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Japan paper, NRI, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After --------------------------------------------------------- <3861> Oji Holdings Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After --------------------------------------------------------- <4477> BASE Daiwa "2" "3"
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy transition in the market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Main Board <167A> Ryosan Riyo 2571 2485 <1808> Haseko 2053 1950 <2168> Pasona 2020 1930 <2181> Persol HD 2322 225 <2296> Itoham Yonekyu 3755 3720 <2389> Digital HD 1478 1213 <2492> Info MT 3813 307 <2503> Kirin HD 19
Info MT ETC [Stocks with intriguing potential seen from Volume changes]
Stock Name Closing Price Change Volume* <2526> NZAM 400 25285 35 14930* <2517> MXSJ REIT Core 1011.53.5 102090* <6149> Odawara Engine 1849219130500* <7092> FFJ 1456216368900* <4167> Cocopelli 39641347000* <3997> Trade Works 1573247194000* <249
<Individual Stock Trends> Info MT, Kenko Mayo, Rakuten, Nadex, BeStyle = Afternoon session on the 17th.
Info MT <2492.T> plans a significant increase in profits and an increase in Dividends for the consolidated results for the fiscal year ending December 2025. Kenko Mayos <2915.T> acquired 1,066,800 own shares (6.67% of the total issued shares excluding treasury stock) in the ToSTNeT-3 (off-exchange purchase of treasury stock) on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on the 17th. Rakumachi <6037.T> has revised upward the Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending July 2025. Nadex <7435.T> has revised down the Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending April 2025. B-Star.
The Nikkei average rose by 24 yen and slightly rebounded, while many stocks on the Main Board fell amid a wait-and-see attitude = afternoon session on the 17th.
On the 17th, the Nikkei average stock price in the afternoon session rose slightly by 24.82 yen to reach 39,174.25 yen, showing a minor rebound. The TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) increased by 7.69 points to 2,766.90 points. The morning started with a dominant Sell, but transitioned to an upward trend. At 9:17 AM, the Nikkei average hit 39,238.75 yen, up 89.32 yen. Meanwhile, President Trump is considering imposing tariffs on imported Autos around April 2, which is a burden on related stocks.
Infomart: Extraordinary Report