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MTG, Sanbio [Emerging Markets Rating List]
SMBC Nikko <7806> MTG 2 Maintained Morgan <4592> SanBio EQUALWEIGHT maintained * The ratings of the above companies are as confirmed by our company as of 03/24.
Ariake, Kuriyama HD, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------- <2267> Yakult Morgan Stanley "Equal W" "Under W" <2810> House Food Group Mizuho "Buy" "Hold" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ----------------------------------------------
The trading of major stocks may decrease, leading short-term funds to flow towards IPOs.
■ Since March 27 is the last day to hold rights for Dividends and benefits, interest is expected to turn towards Large Cap stocks in the Main Board, which may lead to a decrease in trading of key stocks in the Emerging Markets. On the other hand, the Growth Market 250 Index is clearly above the 25-day moving average, despite facing resistance at higher levels. It appears that a situation can be expected where attention is focused on the recent high of 693.92 points (February 13).
Continuing to rise, attempting to recover against the background of buy on dips, ETC.
Overview of the previous week from March 17 to March 21, Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Index High: 672.42 Low: 657.81 Close: 667.1 compared to the previous week: 1.19% ↑ continued rise, trying to recover supported by bargain hunting and other factors. It showed a trend of attempting recovery supported by bargain buying. Among individual stocks, a portion of biotech-related stocks such as Perseus Proteomics <4882> and Sanbio <4592> showed movement. However, large Market Cap stocks such as Trial HD <141A> and Integral <5842>.
CYBERDYNE, Alphapolis, ETC.
SMBC Nikko <7779> CYBERDYNE rating maintained at "Ichiyoshi" <9467> Alphapolis maintained at A rating "Morgan" <4478> Free maintained at EQUAL WEIGHT *The ratings for the above companies are based on our confirmation as of 03/21.
Asahi, MonotaRO ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4385> Mercari Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------------- <3