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Milight One updates its high price [New high price and new low price updated stocks].
The stocks that reached new highs on the Tokyo Main Board are Mirait One <1417> and Ando Hazama <1719>, totaling 55 stocks. The stocks that reached new lows on the Tokyo Main Board are Fujiya <2211> and Rohto Pharmaceutical <4527>, totaling 6 stocks. 'Tokyo Main Board' 'Tokyo Standard' 'Tokyo Growth' New Highs New Lows New Highs New Lows New Highs New Lows 02/1355641115002/12512945618202/1037244529202/07451936411302/0
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks that have turned to Buy in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1332> Nissui 847 815 <1333> Maruha Nichiro 31542883 <1803> Shimizu Construction 13761282 <1860> Tadao Construction 983896 <1950> Japan Electrical Installation 20311941 <1968> Taihei Electric 50004655 <2209> Imuraya Group 24572409 <2413> M3 1
Idemitsu Kosan and others announced a Share Buyback on February 12.
The stocks for which a share buyback announcement was made on February 12 (Wednesday) are as follows: <5019> Idemitsu Kosan 80 million shares (6.1%) 70 billion yen (from March 17, 2025 to March 16, 2026) <5988> Pioneering 8.81 million shares (23.8%) 22 billion yen 0.31 million 7900 yen (from February 13, 2025 to April 30, 2025) <5741> UACJ 3 million shares (6.2%) 16.5 billion yen (February 13, 2025) <7272> Ya
France utilizes nuclear power in the AI development competition.
[Nuclear Power] France is reported to be trying to turn the tide in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) race by utilizing its strength in abundant Nuclear Power. The French government is planning a project to supply 1 gigawatt to an AI computing facility using Nuclear Power, with costs expected to reach several billion dollars. <6378> Kimura Kiko <6643> Togami Electric Manufacturing <5631> Japan Steel Works <6370> Kurita Water Industries <6326
Recruit Holdings has revised its 2025/3 operating profit upward to 488 billion yen from 442.7 billion yen.
Recruit Holdings <6098> announced a revision of its financial estimates for the fiscal year ending in March 2025. Revenue has been revised upward from 3 trillion 468.7 billion yen to 3 trillion 560 billion yen, and operating profit has been revised upward from 442.7 billion yen to 488 billion yen. The HR Technology business, centered around the US job search site "Indeed," is performing well, contributing to increased revenue per paid job advertisement. Matching & solutions such as the real estate site "SUUMO" and the beauty reservation site "Hot Pepper View Inc" are also contributing.
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks that have switched to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1377> Sakata Seed 3625 3705 <1429> Japan Aqua 751789 <1801> Taisei Corporation 63746817 <2117> Wellneo S 23182438 <2326> Digiarts 58706690 <2371> 25312684 <2374> Cent Care HD 740757 <2489>