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Asahi, MonotaRO ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4385> Mercari Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------------- <3
Ratng [Securities Company Ratings]
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------- <3092> ZOZO UBS "Cell" "Neutral" <4971> Meck Morgan S "Equal W" "Over W" <5838> Rakuten Bank Morgan S "Equal W" "Over W" <5831> Shizuoka FG Morgan S "Equal W" "Over W" <2897> Japan
Rating information (changes in investment determination, part 2) = Astroscale, ZOZO, ETC.
◎ SBI Securities (3-tier rating: Buy > Neutral > Sell) Astrolabe <186A.T> -- New "Buy" at 1420 yen iSpace <9348.T> -- New "Buy" at 1370 yen ◎ UBS Securities (3-tier rating: Buy > Neutral > Sell) ZOZO <3092.T> -- "Sell" → "Neutral", 4490 yen → 4490 yen ◎ CLSA Securities (3-tier rating: HC Outperform > Outperform > Hold > Underperform > HC Underperform
<Rating Change Observation> New / Nakanishi / Nissin Food HD upgraded, Takara Bio downgraded, ETC.
◎ New and Resumed Nakaniishi <7716.T> -- The internet sector is at the highest level of the three tiers ispase <9348.T> -- The internet sector is at the highest level of the three tiers Astroscape <186A.T> -- The internet sector is at the highest level of the three tiers ◎ Upgraded Nissin Food HD <2897.T> -- Foreign companies are at the highest level of the five tiers ZOZO <3092.T> -- European Index is in the middle of the three tiers Meck <4971.T> -- Bank is at the highest level of the three tiers (Target Price is lowered) Daiwa Industry <5444.T> -- Domestic Medium.
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks that have shifted to Buy Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <2060> Feed One 809 768 <2587> Suntory BF 49374521 <2749> JPHD 605515 <2897> Nissin Food HD 31002911 <2982> AD Works Group 229219 <3093> Trade Factory 15201455 <3221> Yoshix 28512759 <3
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
*JPHLD <2749> 597 +80 Upward revision of financial estimates and introduction of shareholder benefit system. *TIS <3626> 4127 +245 Goldman Sachs Group Inc upgraded investment judgment. *Euglena <2931> 510 +26 Developing as a space-related sector. *Rigaku <268A> 1116 +27 Nomura Securities has upgraded its investment judgment. *Nissin Food HD <2897> 3064 +76.5 There is a defensive shift, moving away from the low price range.