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Exawizards, Delhi [Emerging Markets Rating List]
Mizuho <4259> Exawizards Buy Hold Morgan <299A> Delhi OVERWEIGHT Hold * The ratings of the above companies are from our confirmation as of 02/06.
Fuji HD, US, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Changed After----------------------------------------------------------------<2175>SMS Morgan S "Overweight" "Equal Weight" <6367>Dai Kin Macquarie "Outperform" "Neutral" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Changed After-----------------------------------
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 2) = ExaWi, dely, etc.
◎ Mizuho Securities (three-stage: Buy > Hold > underperform) Exawave <4259.T>―― "Buy" → "Buy", 640 yen → 600 yen◎ Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three-stage: Overweight > Equal Weight > Underweight) Dely <299A.T>―― "Overweight" → "Overweight", 2000 yen → 2150 yen Nabtesco <6268.T>―― "Equal Weight" → "Equal Weight", 2400 yen →
Stocks that moved the day before part 2: DNA Chip Research Institute, Technos Japan, Toto Suisan, ETC.
Stock name <Code> 5-day closing price ⇒ Change from previous day * Nichirei <2871> 3581 -21110- The December term shows a turn to operating profit decline. * BIPROGY <8056> 4477 -34110- The December term falls below market expectations with an operating profit decline. * Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Unsponsored ADR <6503> 2436 -12510- December financial results show an upward revision but there are one-time factors, resulting in little surprise. * Gunma Bank <8334> 1047 -61 The progress rate of net profit in the third quarter may not meet expectations. * Socionext
Growth 250 continues to rise, with cover ETC increasing = Emerging Markets, day 5.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market 250 Index continues to rise. A solid trend continues, with stocks like Cover <5253.T> and Deliy <299A.T> rising. HENGGE <4475.T>, Beat Trend <4020.T>, and Global Security Expert <4417.T> are significantly higher. GA technologies <3491.T> is lower. In the Standard section, IG Port <3791.T> is performing well. Provided by Wealth Advisor Co.
Unipos and other stocks with intriguing characteristics based on changes in Volume.
Stock closing prices compared to the previous day Volume *<6550>* Unipos 1522118377600 *<6634>* Nexgroup 1574015557200 *<1435>* Rohome 138123694600 *<299A>* dely 12921522513200 *<9324>* Yasuda Warehouse 17805686500 *<8059>* Daiichi Jigyo 252312172700 *<4272>* Nikka Chemical 1444.5 225.5 2356000.