GQY Video: Announcement on the expiration of the agreed action plan for shareholders holding 5% or more of the original shares to reduce their holdings
GQY Video: Prompt Announcement on Changes in Shareholders\' Equity
GQY Video: Simplified Equity Change Report
GQY Video: Pre-disclosure Notice Concerning Plans to Reduce Shareholdings for Shareholders Holding 5% or More in Total Shares with Co-Actors
GQY Video: Announcement on the expiration of the holdings reduction plan for shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares
GQY Video: Announcement on Shareholders Holding 5% or More to Reduce Their Shareholdings to 1% and Progress in Implementing the Holding Reduction Plan
GQY Video: Pre-disclosure Announcement on Shareholders Holding 5% or More of Shareholders with a Joint Action Plan to Reduce Their Holding
GQY Video: Announcement on the Expiry of the Holding Reduction Plan for Shareholders with 5% or More of Shareholders Holding 5% or More
GQY Video: Announcement on the progress of shareholders holding 5% or more of the shareholding plan to reduce their holdings by more than half of the planned period
GQY Video: Announcement on shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares and their concerted actors to reduce their shareholding by 1% and the progress of implementation of the holdings reduction plan
GQY Video: Announcement on the progress of shareholders holding 5% or more of the shareholders' concerted action plan to reduce their holdings by more than half of the time
GQY Video: Pre-disclosure Announcement on Shareholders' Holding Plans to Reduce Shareholdings of 5% or More
GQY Video: Announcement on the expiration of the holdings reduction plan for shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares
GQY Video: Announcement on shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares and their concerted actors to reduce their shareholding by 1% and the progress of implementation of the holdings reduction plan
GQY Video: Pre-disclosure Announcement on Shareholders Holding 5% or More of Shareholders with a Joint Action Plan to Reduce Their Holding
GQY Video: Pre-disclosure Announcement on Shareholders Holding 5% or More of Shareholders with a Joint Action Plan to Reduce Their Holding
GQY Video: Announcement on the Expiry of the Holding Plan Period for Shareholders Holding 5% or More and the Results of the Reduction of Shareholders with 5% or More of Shareholders
GQY Video: Prompt Announcement on Disclosure of Simplified Equity Change Report
GQY Video: Simplified Equity Change Report
GQY Video: Announcement on the concerted action of shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares to reduce their shareholding by 1% and the progress of implementation of the holdings reduction plan
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