48.25BMarket Cap38.07P/E (TTM)
90.70High87.00Low145.29KlotVolume90.00Open89.75Pre Close1.29BTurnover2.63%Turnover Ratio66.08P/E (Static)553.97MShares149.8852wk High13.42P/B48.15BFloat Cap55.6052wk Low107.70Limit Up552.80MShs Float149.88Historical High71.80Limit Down4.12%Amplitude1.26Historical Low1.21Dividend TTM88.87Avg Price64.03KlotAsk1.39%Div YieldTTM100Lot Size69.90KlotBid
Suzhou TFC Optical Communication Stock Forum
1. The business model of computing power realization is similar to water and electricity. Operators collect money for computing power connections and edge clouds at the same time. The computing power network is a light asset for operators because the peak period of 5G construction ended last year, and the computing power network accounts for about 20% of the entire capital expenditure.
2. With the development of ChatGPT, ther...
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