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SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ): Currently, no Education Software is provided.
On February 10, Gelonghui reported that SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that our HarmonyOS is continuously integrating, and some apps have already been integrated while the remaining apps are being integrated as planned. The company has not yet provided Education Software.
SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ): The company mainly provides PaaS platform products related to cross-border data flow and Datacenter, along with Software services for Chinese companies going abroad.
On February 10, GELONGHUI reported that SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ) stated on the investor interactive platform that the company regards CNI Data Factor Index business as its Global Strategy. The focus is on releasing the value of CNI Data Factors, delving deep into the fields of operators, government, large, medium, and small enterprises, and actively exploring the formation of a full lifecycle service for CNI Data Factors. The company mainly provides PaaS platform products related to cross-border data flow and Datacenters, in conjunction with Chinese-funded overseas enterprises to provide Software services.
SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ) issued a profit warning, expecting a net loss of 45 million to -65 million yuan for the fiscal year 2024, shifting from profit to loss year-on-year.
SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ) announced that the company expects the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company for the fiscal year 2024...
Stacey: 2024 Annual Results Forecast
SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ): The company and relevant personnel received a warning letter from the Peking Securities Regulatory Commission.
On December 23, Gelonghui reported that SI-TECH Information Technology (300608.SZ) announced that the company and relevant personnel received a warning letter from Peking Securities Regulatory Bureau. The company has issues with inaccurate timing for the recognition of intangible Assets, insufficient provisions for impairment of intangible Assets, and non-standard accounting for long-term Private Equity, leading to the decision by Peking Securities Regulatory Bureau to take administrative supervision measures by issuing a warning letter.
Stacey: Report for the third quarter of 2024