Despite high profit retention, the company's low ROE and flat earnings growth are concerning. The decision to pay dividends may indicate a preference for dividends over earnings growth.
Zhejiang FORE Intelligent TechnologyLtd's declining ROCE and sales, along with increased capital employment, are concerning. Despite this, the stock has returned 42% over the last year, suggesting investor optimism. However, caution is advised given the current fundamentals.
Despite a high P/S ratio and revenue drop, investors stay bullish. If medium-term revenue trends persist, it could risk shareholders and potential investors. The P/S ratio and revenue trends don't justify current investor sentiment and stock price.
Zhejiang FORE Intelligent Technology's weaker than average ROE may be why company's earnings have stagnated over the past five years. High reinvestment rates are not benefiting investors and hindering earnings growth.
Zhejiang FORE Intelligent TechnologyLtd's elevated P/S ratio may not align with its recent below-industry revenue growth. With potential share price decline, the current price might be unjustified. Investors are warned of potential disappointment if the P/S ratio adjusts to recent growth rates.
Zhejiang Fore Intelligent Technology Stock Forum
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