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Fuerjia (301371.SZ): Currently, the company has not collaborated with Fudan University.
On December 4th, Fulijia (301371.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company has not yet cooperated with Fudan University.
Third quarter dividends change to pre-spring festival dividends? Fulejia and others rely on "spring festival red envelopes" to attract attention | Quick reading of announcements.
① Following three squirrels inc., Fu Er Jia announced a dividend plan before the Spring Festival; ② The so-called dividends before the Spring Festival from the two companies are essentially third quarter dividends; ③ Both companies operate within the consumer sector and are facing certain pressures; ④ This operation may be a response to the policy call for "dividends before the Spring Festival."
For the pre-Spring Festival, Fuerjia (301371.SZ) plans to distribute 5 yuan per 10 shares.
Fujia (301371.SZ) announced that the company plans to distribute cash dividends to all registered shareholders before the Spring Festival, at a rate of 10 shares per share...
Fulejia (301371.SZ): Currently, the type III humanized collagen lyophilized fibers of Class III medical devices have entered the clinical stage.
Gelonghui, November 22 - Fuhua Jia (301371.SZ) recently stated in an investor relations activity that the company's Class III medical device, recombinant type III human collagen lyophilized fibers, has entered the clinical stage, and the progress is in line with expectations.
Fuhar (301371.SZ): The reserved class II medical device sodium hyaluronate is expected to be launched next year.
November 22nd, Gelonghui丨Fuerjia (301371.SZ) stated in a recent investor relations event that the company's reserve Class II medical device Sodium Hyaluronate for subcutaneous injection is expected to be listed next year, in addition to two other Class II medical device dressings, with main ingredients being Algin and Sodium Polyaspartate, both expected to be launched next year as well.
Fulcrum (301371.SZ): Currently, the expectation is to launch 5-10 new products every year.
On November 22, Gelonghui reported that Fulejia (301371.SZ) recently expressed in an investor relations activity that the company currently hopes to launch 5-10 new products each year, primarily in the cosmetic category, while also aiming to incubate 1-2 significant single products annually.