Change report.
DCM Holdings: Correction Issuance Registration Form
Change Report
DCM Holdings: Additional issuance registration documents (stock certificates, corporate bonds, etc.)
DCM Holdings: Change Report
DCM Holdings: Issuance registration forms (stock certificates, corporate bonds, etc.)
DCM Holdings: Change Report
DCM Holdings: Change Report
DCM Holdings: Correction Report (Mass Ownership Report/Change Report)
DCM Holdings: Correction Report (Mass Ownership Report/Change Report)
DCM Holdings: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
DCM Holdings: Notice regarding the status and completion of share buybacks
DCM Holdings: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
DCM Holdings: Notice regarding the status of share buybacks
DCM Holdings: Notice Concerning Decisions on Matters Relating to Repurchase of Treasury Shares
DCM Holdings: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
DCM Holdings: Notice regarding the status and completion of share buybacks
DCM Holdings: Report on the acquisition of own shares (in accordance with Article 24-6, paragraph 1)
DCM Holdings: Notice on the acquisition of one's own shares
DCM Holdings: Report on the acquisition of own shares (in accordance with Article 24-6, paragraph 1)