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Volume change rate ranking (1 PM) - Pool Corp, Tama Home, ETC are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last 5 days with the volume on the distribution day, it is possible to understand the trends of interest among market participants. ■ Top volume change rates [As of January 15, 13:32] (Comparison of the average volume over the last 5 days) Code ⇒ Stock ⇒ Volume ⇒ 5-day average volume ⇒ Volume change rate ⇒ Stock price change rate <3254> Presans 110000 010450 4.7336.38% 0.0258% <6814> Furuno Electric 3139200 7754
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1925> Daiwa House 4685 4661 4605.5 <2462> Like 1428 1409.5 1418.5 <3201> Nikke 1296 1266.5 1290 <4709> IDHD 1635 1560.25 1500 <6191> Air Trip 1112 1098 1110
Toho's operating profit in the third quarter increased by 26.9% to 52.8 billion yen.
Toho <9602> announced that for the third quarter of the fiscal period ending February 2025, operating revenue increased by 15.3% year-on-year to 234.169 billion yen, and operating profit rose by 26.9% to 52.81 billion yen. The film exhibition business saw a decrease in both revenue and profit compared to the previous year, but the sales of character goods related to Toho's monster characters, centered around 'Godzilla,' significantly contributed to operating income. 【Positive evaluation】 <3266> FundクリG full year | <9837> Morito full year <4413> Board
Key points of attention for the 14th PTS = Furuno Electric, Hitocom HD, Toho, Progrit, ETC.
▽ Furuno Electric <6814.T> has increased its consolidated operating profit Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending February 2025 from 11 billion yen to 12 billion yen (an increase of 84% compared to the previous period). The marine segment is performing well. The annual Dividends estimate has been raised from 75 yen to 90 yen (the previous period was 60 yen). ▽ Hitocom HD <4433.T> has raised its consolidated operating profit Financial Estimates for the first half of the fiscal year ending August 2025 from 720 million yen to 1.04 billion yen (a decrease of 18% compared to the same period last year). ▽ Toho <9602.T>, the consolidated operating profit for the third quarter cumulative of the fiscal year ending February 2025 (from March to November of 2024) is 52.8 billion yen (
DD Group --- 3Q increase in revenue; operating profit and ordinary profit both saw double-digit growth, with the food and amusement business progressing smoothly.
On the 14th, DD Group <3073> announced its consolidated financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending February 2025 (from March to November 2024). Revenue increased by 4.1% year-on-year to 28.519 billion yen, operating profit rose by 11.0% to 2.562 billion yen, ordinary profit grew by 17.0% to 2.565 billion yen, and quarterly net profit attributable to Shareholders of the parent company decreased by 6.9% to 1.705 billion yen. Revenue from the food and amusement business increased by 5.6% year-on-year to 26.888 billion yen, and segment profit increased by the same.
DD Group --- Announcement of monthly revenue for December.
On the 14th, DD Group <3073> announced the monthly revenue and other figures for December compared to the same month last year, along with the status of store openings and closures. Note that the monthly revenue figure does not include the consolidated subsidiary, SLD <3223>. The overall store performance compared to the same month last year showed that revenue was 102.7%, customer count was 98.7%, and average spending per customer was 104.0%. For existing stores compared to the same month last year, revenue was 102.7%, customer count was 99.9%, and average spending per customer was 102.8%. In the dining business, for existing stores, the revenue compared to the same month last year was 10