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Company Research Report: Lacto Japan Co., Ltd. (3139)
Lacto JPN --- disposing of treasury stock as stock compensation with transfer restrictions.
On the 14th, Lact Japan <3139> announced that it would dispose of treasury stock as stock compensation with transfer restrictions for directors excluding outside directors. This disposal aims to grant incentives for the continuous improvement of the company's corporate value and to further share shareholder value. The number of shares to be disposed of is 12,831 shares of the company's common stock, and the disposal price is 2,879 yen per share. The total amount of the disposal is 0.036 billion yen. A total of 5 directors are subject to this disposal. The disposal date is the 20th.
Lacto Japan Announces Disposal of Treasury Shares for Director Compensation
List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks below the cloud in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1417> Mirait One 2227 2240.75 2229 <1802> Obayashi Corporation 2004 2036.75 2062 <1879> Shin Nippon Construction 1526 1541.75 1528 <2153> E-Gate HD 1616 1629.75 1667.5 <2154> Open UP 1841 1855
Lacto Japan: Confirmation
Lacto Japan: Financial Report - 27th Term (2023/12/01 - 2024/11/30)