Premium Stock News = There are still stocks related to Takai, pay attention to the "National Dental Checkup for All Citizens."
Amid the issue of Prime Minister Ishiba distributing Commodity ETF vouchers to members of the National Diet, the related stocks of former Economic Security Minister Takai, seen as the strongest candidate for a post-Ishiba era, are surging due to speculative buying. A broader range of selections is also in sight. <Heart Seed is up 35%, along with Mark and others> Prime Minister Ishiba apologized for the distribution of the Commodity ETF vouchers but stated there is no illegality involved. However, the opposition parties are largely united in their stance that it violates regulatory laws and are preparing to pursue the matter. Calls questioning the Prime Minister's responsibility are also emerging within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
Sanyo Trading: Presentation of financial results for the 1st quarter of the fiscal year ending September 2025
Sanyo Trading: Summary of Financial Results for the 1st Quarter Ending September 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Sanyo Trading 1Q Net Y1.48B Vs Net Y1.37B
Daifuku construction, KFC, Duskin, and Shin Nihon Seiyaku (7th) (1332-5976)
※ The above Calendar is only a plan and may be subject to change due to company circumstances. --------------------------------------- February 7 (Friday) <1332> Nissui <1429> Aqua Japan <143A> Ishin <1450> Tanaka Construction Industry <151A> Dai <167A> Ryosan Ryoho <1717> Meihou Facility <1721> Comsys
List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking below the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1433> Bestera 964 989 972.5 <2053> Chubu Fodder 1307 1308 1385.5 <2108> Beet Sugar 2365 2374.5 2510 <2127> Japan M&A 6096 51.7 644.5 <2163> Artona 1850 1952.5 1862 <2
Sanyo Trading: Correction Confirmation Letter
Sanyo Trading: Corrected securities report - 78th term (2023/10/01 - 2024/09/30)
Sanyo Trading: Extraordinary Report
Sanyo Trading: Confirmation letter.
Sanyo Trading: Financial Report - Term 78 (2023/10/01 - 2024/09/30)
List of stocks with cleared skies (weekly chart) (Part 1)
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo main board <1861> Kumagai Gumi 4025 3890 3677 <1870> Yahagi Construction 15211475.75 1399 <1873> Japan House HD 346320.53 30 <1878> Daito Housing 1741016767.51 5980 <2124> JACR 726713.25 689 <
Mitsubishi Corporation: In the fiscal year ending September 24, both sales and profits hit record highs, with all segments experiencing increased revenue and profits.
SANYO TRADING <3176> is an independent specialized trading company whose main businesses are the import and export of raw materials for rubbers and chemicals, automotive interior materials, renewable energy, and bio-related machinery, while also providing technology services related to each business. The company operates globally, focusing on four markets: fine chemicals, industrial products, sustainability, and life sciences. Regarding segment division, it includes traditional chemical products, machinery, and overseas local subsidiaries.
Sanyo Trading: Full year financial results briefing for the fiscal year ending September 2024
List of converted stocks (Part 2) [List of converted stocks for Parabolic Signal]
• List of stocks for sell conversion market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Tokyo main board <1375> Yukiguni Maitake 1028 1052 <1379> Hokuto 1797 1834 <1414> Showa bongrain 5293 5416 <1808> Haseko 1825 1880 <1813> Fudo Tetra 2025 2104 <1821> Mitsumi Construction 387 394 <1893> Go Yo Ken 610 648 <1926> Wright Kogyo 213 62
FMR LLC holds 5.0% of shares in Sanyo Trading(3176.JP)
On Nov 8, FMR LLC submitted the Large Shareholding Report to Ministry of Finance to disclose its 5.0% ownership of the shares in $Sanyo Trading(3176.JP)$. Source: Edinet AnnouncementWhat is the 5%
List of cloud breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud Breakout Stock List]
○Cloud Breakout Stock List Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock main board <1332> Nissui 930 922.25 851<1662>Petroleum Resources 11511076.25 1146.5 <1719>Ando Hazama 11531129.25 1121 <1721>Comsys HD 3261 3165.5 2947.5 <1812>Kajima 2790 2677.
Sanyo Trading To Go Ex-Dividend On September 29th, 2025 With 29 JPY Dividend Per Share
November 8th (Japan Standard Time) - $Sanyo Trading(3176.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on September 29th, 2025.Shareholders of record on September 30th, 2025 will receive 29 JPY dividend per share.
Sanyo Trading To Go Ex-Dividend On March 28th, 2025 With 28 JPY Dividend Per Share
November 8th (Japan Standard Time) - $Sanyo Trading(3176.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on March 28th, 2025.Shareholders of record on March 31st, 2025 will receive 28 JPY dividend per share. The ex-
Nissan revised its operating profit downwards to 150 billion yen from 500 billion yen on March 25th.
Nissan <7201> announced a revision to its 2025 fiscal year financial estimates. The operating profit was revised downward from 500 billion yen to 150 billion yen. The assumed exchange rate was revised to 1 dollar = 149 yen (previously 1 dollar = 155 yen), and 1 euro = 164 yen (previously 1 euro = 167 yen). The global passengers carried is set at 3.4 million units, down from the previous estimate of 3.65 million units. It was also announced that they will sell some of the shareholding in Mitsubishi Motors <7211>. [Positive Assessment] <5801> Furukawa Electric midterm | <674