Naigai Tec: Notice regarding revisions to earnings forecasts
Naigai Tec: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Naigai Tec 9-Mos Net Y580.00M Vs Net Y514.00M
Naigai Tec Sees FY Net Y960.00M
Kirin HD, Matsukiyo Cocok, Dentsu Group, Rakuten Group (14th) (1379-5368)
The above Calendar is merely a schedule and is subject to change due to the company's circumstances.--------------------------------------- February 14 (Friday) <1379> Hokuto <1380> Akigawa Boku-en <1417> Mirait-Wan <142A> Jinjibu <1438> Gifu Landscaping <1443> Giken HD <1447> SAAF HD <145A> Elizbee<
Naigai Tec: Interim financial results presentation materials for the fiscal year ending 2025/3
Naigai Tec: Half Year Report - Term 64 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Naigai Tec: Notice regarding differences between consolidated earnings forecasts and actual values for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025
Naigai Tec: 2nd Half (Mid-Term) Decision SMS for March 2025 [Japan Basis] (link)
Naigai Tec: 1st quarter financial results for the March 2025 period (consolidated) based on Japanese standards.
Naigai Tec 1Q Net Y88.00M Vs Net Y230.00M
McDonald's, Isetan Mitsukoshi, Rakuten G, ENEOS HD (9th) (1379-5076)
*The calendar above is tentative and subject to change due to company circumstances. ---------------------------------------August 9 (Friday) <1379> Hokuto <1381> Access <1384> Hokuriyo <1414> Showbond <1417> Miraito One <1429> Japan Aqua <142A> Gingerbread <1431> Livework <14
Volume change rate ranking (10:00) - Lear, Bright Path, etc. are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to know the interest of market participants such as the trend of searching by comparing the average volume over the last 5 days with the volume on the delivery date. Top volume change rate as of July 18, 10:32 (compared to average volume over last 5 days) - stock code, stock name, volume, 5-day average volume, volume change rate, share price change rate: <1308> Listed TPX - 2,936,593, 371,639, 214.84%, -0.009.
Naigai Tec: Interim report
Naigai Tec: Confirmation letter
Naigai Tec: Securities report - 63rd term (April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024)
Volume change rate ranking (9 am) ~ gumi, San-Electron and others ranked
*In the volume change rate ranking, comparing the volume of the latest 5 days with the volume on the day of distribution helps understand the interest of market participants in trends and other factors. *Top volume change rate [as of June 10, 9:32 am] (compared to the average volume of the latest 5 days) Code Stock name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate <4166> KAKKO 306,700 107,185.08 349.32% 0.075
Naigai Tec: Financial results presentation materials for the fiscal year ending 2024/3
Naigai Tec: Notice regarding dividends from surplus funds
Naigai Tec: Summary of Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2024 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)