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The Nikkei average is down about 320 yen, selling leading followed by a slight decline = 25th morning session.
On the 25th, at around 10:02 AM, the Nikkei Average was trading approximately 320 yen lower than the previous week, around 38,450 yen. At 9:20 AM, it dropped to 38,131.79 yen, down 645.15 yen. In the U.S. stock market on the 24th, although the NY Dow slightly rebounded, the Nasdaq Composite Index fell for the third consecutive day. Additionally, the SOX Index, which is influenced by Semiconductors and has a high contribution to the Nikkei Average, also continued to decline, resulting in selling pressure on Japanese stocks.
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of Stocks Above the Clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Main Board <1719> Ando Hazama 1306 1181.25 1158 <1801> Taisei Corporation 6805 6586.25 6743 <1802> Obayashi Corporation 2108 2093 1995.5 <1808> Haseko Corporation 2044 2020 1937.5 <1812> Kajima Corporation 2981 2813.25 2731.5 <183
Wacoal Returns to Profit in Fiscal Nine Months Despite 5.6% Revenue Fall
SoftBank's operating profit for Q3 increased by 12.3% to 821.8 billion yen.
The results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025, announced by SoftBank <9434>, showed a revenue of 4 trillion 811.4 billion 63 million yen, a 6.6% increase compared to the same period last year, and an operating profit of 821.8 billion 61 million yen, a 12.3% increase year-on-year. PayPay's performance improved. The core mobile business also showed steady recovery from the impact of mobile price reductions. 【Positive assessment】 <6645> Omron quarter | <4284> Solxyz full year <7189> Nishi Nippon FH quarter | <7370> Enjin revision
Wacoal Holdings Sees FY Net Y4.50B
Wacoal Holdings: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2025/3 [IFRS] (consolidated)