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List of stocks breaking through clouds (weekly) (part 2)
○ List of stocks below the cloud in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1726> Br. HD 343 346 354 <1911> Sumitomo Forestry 491954765005.5 <1952> Shin Nippon Air Conditioning 16891896.25 1707 <1963> JGC HD 116012181640 <2607> Fuji Oil G 26792811.75 2691.5 <287
<Individual Stock Trends> Daiwa House, Dai, Lasa Trading, JGC HD, Chuetsu Pa = Afternoon of the 13th.
Daiwa House <1925.T> - For the third quarter cumulative of the fiscal year ending March 2025 (April-December 2024), consolidated financial results showed significant profit increase, and a long-term holding system was newly established in the shareholder benefit program. Daido <3205.T> - For the third quarter cumulative of the fiscal year ending March 2025 (April-December 2024), consolidated financial results turned to a surplus in net profit. Rasa Trading <3023.T> - For the third quarter cumulative of the fiscal year ending March 2025 (April-December 2024), consolidated financial results showed a significant profit increase. JGC HD <1963.T> - For the consolidated loss of the fiscal year ending March 2025.
M3 ETC [Stocks with potential based on volume changes]
Closing prices of stocks and their changes in Volume * <2837> GX Small Japanese Stocks 232110113473 * <3559> P Ban 45480415200 * <4370> Mobilus 3246115400 * <9273> Koa Shoji HD 69280509200 * <4308> J Stream 41438408800 * <4316> V Map 387269900 * <173A> Hammock 159212959100 * <5952> Amatei 18322224900 * <6969
Recruit Holdings has revised its 2025/3 operating profit upward to 488 billion yen from 442.7 billion yen.
Recruit Holdings <6098> announced a revision of its financial estimates for the fiscal year ending in March 2025. Revenue has been revised upward from 3 trillion 468.7 billion yen to 3 trillion 560 billion yen, and operating profit has been revised upward from 442.7 billion yen to 488 billion yen. The HR Technology business, centered around the US job search site "Indeed," is performing well, contributing to increased revenue per paid job advertisement. Matching & solutions such as the real estate site "SUUMO" and the beauty reservation site "Hot Pepper View Inc" are also contributing.
Chuetsu Pulp & Paper's Q3 Financial Results Show Sales Growth Amid Profit Decline
Chuetsu Pulp & Paper Sees FY Net Y3.40B