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The Cloud W - 1Q financial results are strong, confirming that M&A is contributing to performance.
CrowdWorks <3900>, which develops and operates a matching platform connecting businesses and individuals such as Japan's largest crowdsourcing "CrowdWorks," announced its financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending September 2025 after the trading session on February 13. Revenue increased by 37.7% year-on-year to 5614 million yen, adjusted operating profit (Non-GAAP) surged by 47.7% to 587 million yen, and operating profit rose by 0.3% to 346 million yen, marking a strong financial performance.
Sony Group Corp has revised its forecast upwards for March 25, with operating profit of 1 trillion 335 billion yen, up from 1 trillion 310 billion yen.
Sony Group Corp (6758) announced a revision of its Financial Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025. Revenue has been revised upwards from 12 trillion 710 billion yen to 13 trillion 200 billion yen, and operating profit from 1 trillion 310 billion yen to 1 trillion 335 billion yen. Entertainment-related segments such as Gaming and music are performing steadily. Additionally, it was announced that a share buyback program with a cap of 50 billion yen has been established, allowing the purchase of up to 30 million shares (0.5% of the total issued shares excluding treasury shares) in the market. 【Positive evaluation】<675
CrowdWorks Reports Q1 Financial Growth Amid Strategic Expansion
Crowdworks 1Q Net Y171.00M Vs Net Y213.00M
CrowdWorks: Presentation of financial results for the 1st quarter of the fiscal year ending September 2025
CrowdWorks: Summary of Financial Results for the 1st Quarter Ending September 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)