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Stocks News Web - New Year’s gift focus stocks (1) Continuing high growth with both EC and Lear.
Istyle <3660.T> is expected to continue its high level of revenue growth as a small-cap stock, and it should be marked as such. It is capturing the expanding cosmetics market through both online and offline channels. The company is known for its beauty information site '@cosme' in Japan, and it is also actively expanding its physical store presence. With a vast amount of data from rankings and reviews, it generates revenue from advertising income from manufacturers and product sales.
Volume change rate ranking (14:00) ~ REVOLUTI, Torasu OP, ETC are ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the distribution day, the interest of market participants such as trends in selections can be understood. ■ Top volume change rates [As of December 25, 14:32] (Comparison of recent 5-day average volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <3810> Cyber S 1834900 21311.96 320.82% 0.2173% <8894>
Volume change rate ranking (1 PM) - Toyokumo, Kauris, ETC are ranked.
The volume change rate ranking allows the comparison of the average volume over the past five days with the volume on the day of distribution, providing insights on trends in market interest among participants. ■ Top volume change rates [As of December 20, 13:32] (Comparison of average volume over the past five days) Code ⇒ Stock ⇒ Volume ⇒ 5-day average volume ⇒ Volume change rate ⇒ Stock price change rate <3623> Billing Sys 438700 50048.42296.10% 0.0259% <3328> BEENOS 9625003
Konoshima Chemical: Financial results briefing materials for the 2nd quarter (interim period) of the fiscal year ending 2025/4 ~Financial Summary~
Konoshima Chemical: Confirmation
Konoshima Chemical: Half-Year Report - 109th Issue (2024/05/01 - 2025/04/30)