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The TSE Growth Market Index rebounds, focusing on material stocks.
The Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Index is 819.96, up by 5.39, with a volume of 0.2 billion (69.54 million shares) and a trading value of 132.8 billion yen. The Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market 250 Index is 638.18, up by 3.37, with a volume of 0.1 billion (9.89 million shares) and a trading value of 84.6 billion yen. In today's growth market, both the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Index and the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market 250 Index have rebounded. The number of rising stocks is 314, the number of falling stocks is 234, and the unchanged stocks are 43. On the 22nd in the USA market, the Dow Inc average rose by 426.16 dollars to 44,296.5.
Stocks that moved the previous day part 2: Gantan Beauty Industry, Gantan Beauty Industry, Asua etc.
Stock Name <Code> 14-Day Closing Price⇒Day-over-day comparison * Futubull Chemical Industry <4112> 3815 -415 Performance upward revision falls short of market expectations. * Medpia <6095> 515 -59 Dislike of significant profit decline guidance for this fiscal year. * V Cube <3681> 237 -23 The third quarter financial results show accumulated ordinary deficit. * Tohoku Electrical Utilities <9506> 1252.5 -107 In association with the announcement of Kansai Electrical Utilities' public offering of shares, there is also selling in electrical utility stocks. * Hokkaido Electrical Utilities <9509> 854.8 -8
Active and newly listed stocks during the morning session.
*Vision <9416> 1363 - The partial change in the shareholder benefit system is viewed as a buy material. *Aoyama Trading <8219> 1977 +343 The evaluation continues regarding the significant increase in dividends due to changes in the dividend policy. *Life Drink Company <2585> 2347 +400 Announced an increase in production capacity due to M&A etc. *Sun Asterisk <4053> 643 +100 Announced a share buyback and the establishment of a new shareholder benefit system. *Musashi Seimitsu Industry <7220> 3535 +470 Earnings and.
Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) - INFORICH, Life Drink, etc. ranked.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the market participants' interests such as trends in trading by comparing the average volume of the last 5 days with the volume on the delivery day. ■ Volume Change Rate Top [As of 9:32 on November 14] (Comparison with the average volume of the last 5 days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Share Price Change Rate <4255> THECOO 193500 107 185.08 367.12% 0.16 49% <4165> Pro
Stocks hitting the upper or lower price limit in the afternoon session.
■ Stem inc Halt <269A> Sapete <2934> Jay Frontier <4165> Preid <4955> Agro Kanesho <5139> Openwork <5993> Chita Steel <6033> Extreme <6481> THK <6548> Tabi Workshop <6560> LTTS ■ Halt <2173 Hotei Exhibition <6324> Harmonic Drive Systems <6458> Shincho Kogyo * Includes temporary upper and lower limits (indicative values)
Emerging markets stock digest: Exawizards sharply rebounds, Yapuri significantly rises for the 4th consecutive day.
<4259> Exawizards 400 rebounds significantly by +56. For the cumulative second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025 (April-September 24), it reported an operating loss of 0.245 billion yen (compared to an operating loss of 0.534 billion yen in the same period last year). According to the explanatory material, the second quarter recorded an operating profit of 0.043 billion yen (the first quarter had an operating loss of 0.289 billion yen), marking the first time in the company's history that a second quarter has been profitable. In addition to achieving profitability in the AI product business, there has also been an improvement in the profit margin of the AI platform business.
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