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CTS: Presentation of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2025/3
CTS: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
CTS Corp: A specialized company in Construction ICT, with sales and operating profit both reaching an all-time high in the cumulative total for Q2.
CTS Corp, a specialized company in Construction ICT, supports construction sites and engineers nationwide. It mainly develops DDS and SMS businesses, contributing to solving challenges on construction sites with accessible support focused on digital data services and measurement systems. In the DDS business, which accounts for about 60% of revenue, the focus is on the cloud storage service 'Fileforce For Construction,' along with cloud video and communication.
Rating [security companies rating]
Upgraded - bullish code stock name securities company previous change after-----------------------------------------------------------------<7269> Suzuki Morgan S "Equal W" "Over W" Downgraded - bearish code stock name securities company previous change after-----------------------------------------------------------------
Tokai Tokyo Securities Downgrades CTS to Neutral From Outperform; Price Target Is 950 Yen
List of conversion stocks (Part 2) [List of stocks converted by Parabolic Signal]
List of sell conversion stocks in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo main board <1726> Brother HD 343 350<1898>Century Tokyu 15521586<2127>Japan M&A 656711<2170>LINK&M 556608<2209>Imuraya G 23982450<2326>Deagarts 57906180<2331>ALSOK 10671136<2533>Oenon