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List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke through the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <1980> Dai-Dan 3610 3603.75 3343 <2692> Itochu Foods 709070107075 <3480> J.S.B. 28502707.75 2800.5 <3580> Komatsu Matere 802795784 <3834> Asahi Net 641635637.5
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1: Disco, Furukawa Electric, Fujikura ETC.
Stock name <code> Closing price on the 22nd ⇒ Change from previous day Riko no Gen HD <3561> 1061 +138 Expanded the shareholder benefits system. Bronco B <3091> 3630 +160 Announced that the operating profit is expected to increase by 53.9% for the previous term and 18.5% for the current term. Astroscale <186A> 674 +39 Selected as a research and development project for the economic security important technology development program "Fuel supply technology contributing to extending satellite life." Aeon Kyushu <2653> 2748 -130 Business for the fiscal year ending February 2025.
Advanced Reading Strategy Command Room = Trichemical Research Institute: A bottoming reversal due to improved quarterly performance.
Trichemical Research Institute <4369.T> is finally seeing its stock price bottom out and reverse against the backdrop of improved quarterly performance. The company specializes in high-purity chemical compounds for semiconductor manufacturing. The consolidated operating profit for the fiscal year ending January 2025 is expected to be 3.9 billion yen (twice the previous period). The operating profit for the most recent third quarter (August-October 2024) expanded to 1.563 billion yen, 5.9 times that of the same period last year. With the rapid spread of generative AI, demand for cutting-edge Semiconductors is increasing. The semiconductor manufacturing equipment in the China market.
Individual investor, Limited Partnership Gyokusuke: Focus on Australian Small/Mid Cap stocks that are becoming popular again due to high demand for Semiconductors for AI. 【FISCO Social Reporter】
The following is a comment written by individual investor "Limited Tei Gyokusuke" (Blog: Profitable Stock Information "Cat Husband's Stocks are Ceilingless") for Fisco Social Reporter. Fisco actively collaborates with individuals who disseminate information to provide a more diverse range of information for investors. ----------- *Written on January 13, 2025, at 14:00. Interest in Semiconductors is likely to continue in 2025 as well. After all, there is no Sell when it comes to national policy.
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of Stocks Breaking Through the Clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <2222> 寿スピリッツ 2031 2027.75 1967.5 <2462> ライク 1419 1415.5 1418.5 <4369> トリケミカル 3290 2853 3198.5 <4658> Japan Air Conditioning 1052 1031.75 1047.5 <4971> メック 3605 3395 3542
Stocks that moved the day before part 1: Disco, Sapeet, Kioxia HD, etc.
Company name <code> 8th closing price ⇒ compared to the previous day GFA <8783> 637 +70. Initiated support for listing on the Exchange for Cryptos. JustPlan <4287> 385 +26 announced a Share Buyback capped at 4.93% of the issued Stocks and a 2.23% reduction in Shares. Yakuodo HD <7679> 1975 -102 reported a 1.8% decrease in operating profit for the cumulative third quarter. Nakakita Manufacturing <6496> 3160 -275 reported a 42.0% decrease in operating profit for the first half. Sapeet <269A> 3860 +.