LANCERS: Mass Ownership Report
Lancers: Change Report
Lancers: Notice regarding completion of payments relating to the issuance of new shares through third-party allotment, the 11th Stock Acquisition Rights, and the 1st Unsecured Convertible Bond-Type Stock Acquisition Rights Corporate Bonds
Lancers: Corrected Securities Registration Form (embedded method)
Lancers: Notice regarding the conclusion of an agreement relating to a business capital alliance and the issuance of new shares, 11th stock acquisition rights, and 1st unsecured convertible corporate bonds with share acquisition rights through third-party
Lancers: Securities Registration Form (embedded method)
Lancers: Notice Concerning Completion of Payment of New Stock Issuance as Stock Remuneration with Transfer Restricted Shares to Directors
Lancers: Notice Concerning Issuance of New Shares as Stock Remuneration with Transfer Restrictions to Directors
Lancers Inc: Notice on the completion of payment for the issue of new shares of restricted stock remuneration to directors
Lancers Inc: Notice on the issue of new shares with restricted stock remuneration to directors
Lancers Inc: Change report.
Lancers Inc: Revised report (substantial shareholding report / change report)
Lancers Inc: Change report.
Lancers Inc: Change report.
Lancers Inc: Change report.
Lancers Inc: A large number of reports held
Lancers Inc: Notice on the completion of payment for the issue of new shares of restricted stock remuneration to directors
Lancers Inc: Notice on the issue of new shares with restricted stock remuneration to directors
Lancers Inc: Change report (special target stock, etc.)
Lancers Inc: Change report.