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List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks for Sell conversion Market Code Stock Name End Price SAR Main Board <167A> RYOSAN RYOYO 2505 2637 <1726> Bru. HD 340348 <1808> Haseko 19782081 <1813> Fudo Tetra 22062293 <1833> Okumura Group 42504415 <1873> Japan House HD 322331 <1885> Toa Construction 13191458 <1942> Kansai Electric Company 24
Japanese stock buybacks this week (2/17~2/21)
――――2/17――――$Nippon Express Holdings(9147.JP)$ will buy back up to 30 million shares, 11.53% of its outstanding shares (excluding its own shares), for an amount of JPY¥ 50 billion.$GungHo Online
On February 20, the announcement of the Share Buyback for Envipro H, etc.
The companies that announced the establishment of their own stock repurchase framework on February 20th (Thursday) are as follows: <9003> Sotetsu HD 2 million shares (2.0%) 5 billion yen (25/3/11-14-25/9/10) <4540> Tsumura 1.46 million 5000 shares (1.9%) 5 billion yen (25/3/11-13-25/8/29) <8524> Hokuyo Bank 8 million shares (2.1%) 3.2 billion yen (25/2/25-25/4/30) <8043> Starzen 0.5 million shares (2.6%) 1.5 billion yen (25/4/1-26
February 21 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Envipro Holdings <5698> 384 yen (2/20) engages in recycling, reusing, and other resource circulation businesses. It announced a Share Buyback of 2 million shares, equivalent to 6.60% of the total issued Shares, with a limit of 1 billion yen. The acquisition period is from March 7, 2025, to August 7, 2025. The purpose is to improve capital efficiency and carry out a flexible capital policy in response to changes in the business environment. As of February 20, 2025, Shareholding of the company's own stocks.
Public Offering and Sale List [Public Offering and Sale List]
Company Name Code Public Offering Shares Sell Shares Percentage of Total Stocks Announcement Date Decision Date Application Period Delivery Date Price Tsuzuki Electricity <8157> 1,058,900 5.2% 02/06 02/17~02/19 02/18~02/18 02/25 2,331 ※ The sell shares include 138,000 shares from the OA offering. Kyoto FG <5844>
Focus on Crosscat and Enbi Pro HD, while Sōtetsu HD and Tsumura may be weak.
In the U.S. stock market yesterday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by $450.94 to 44,176.65, the Nasdaq Composite Index decreased by 93.89 points to 19,962.36, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 Futures dropped by 155 yen compared to the Osaka daytime to 38,555 yen. The exchange rate stands at 1 dollar = 149.50-60 yen. In today's Tokyo market, Crosscat <2307>, which upwardly revised its financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 and announced an increase in dividends, and Envipro HD <5698>, which announced a share buyback of up to 6.6% of the issued shares, announced their respective updates.