Eiken Chemical: Selected as an A list company with the highest rating in CDP's “climate change”
Eiken Chemical: Announcement of the new release of the fully automatic urine analyzer “US-3600”
Eiken Chemical: Notice of participation in Triple I for Global Health (Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health)
Eiken Chemical: Notice of insurance coverage for the “Gene Analysis Program MinTS Analyzer” and “MinTS Lung Cancer Multi CDx Library Preparation Reagent Kit”
Eiken Chemical: Announcement of the new release of the automatic urine analyzer “US-1300”
Eiken Chemical: Notice of obtaining approval for manufacture and sale of the “Gene Analysis Program MinTS Analyzer” and “MinTS Lung Cancer Multi CDx Library Preparation Reagent Kit”
Eiken Chemical: Comprehensive partnership agreement concluded with Tokyo University of Science
Eiken Chemical: Notice regarding investment in Nanotis to develop digital testing technology for infectious diseases caused by saliva
Eiken Chemical: Eiken Chemical Integrated Report 2024
Eiken Chemical: Announcement of the release of the integrated report “Eiken Chemical Integrated Report 2024”
Eiken Chemical: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the collaboration between Hitachi High-Tech Corporation and Tosoh Corporation in promoting the sales of biochemistry and immune transport systems.
Eiken Chemical: Announcements of individual stocks relating to relocation of headquarters.
Eiken Chemical: Continued selection of FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index constituent stocks.
Eiken Chemical: The "imakara,pjt" website is now open as a platform for medical checkups and health information dissemination.
Eiken Chemical: Notice regarding completion of cancellation of treasury stock
Eiken Chemical: Notice Concerning the Appointment of Director Candidates
Eiken Chemical: Notice regarding cancellation of treasury stock
Eiken Chemical: Notice regarding upward revisions to greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and acquisition of SBT (Science Based Targets) certification
Eiken Chemical: Certified as an “Excellent Health Management Corporation 2024 (Large Corporation Division)” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Eiken Chemical received the 27th Princess Chichibu Tuberculosis Prevention Achievement Award (International Cooperation Achievement Award)