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February 28 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Shinwa Wise Holdings <2437> 287 yen (2/27) Engaged in auction business mainly focused on art. Announced the first half financial results. The operating profit is 0.21 billion yen. The profit increased from 0.043 billion yen in the first quarter and turned from a loss of 0.068 billion yen in the same period last year to a profit. Revenue increased due to handling of consignment sales and private sales that were delayed compared to the previous period. The operating profit for the fiscal year ending May 2025 is 0.33 billion.
Pay attention to Hokuriku Electrical Utilities and Meiden Corporation, while PS and Japan Post Bank may be sluggish.
In the US stock market on the 27th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by $193.62 to 43,239.50, the Nasdaq Composite Index dropped by 530.84 points to 18,544.42, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 Futures fell by 715 yen compared to the Osaka daytime price, reaching 37,585 yen. The exchange rate is 1 dollar = 149.70-80 yen. In today's Tokyo market, Hokuriku Electric Power <9505>, which revised its Financial Estimates and Dividends upward for the fiscal year ending March 2025, TAKARA & COMPANY <7921> which revised its net profit estimates upward for the fiscal year ending May 2025, remains undecided.
YouTube is set to launch a low-cost video service without ads.
[Video] It has been reported that YouTube, a subsidiary of Alphabet in the USA, plans to launch a low-cost version of its paid video service that offers a vast number of podcasts and how-to videos without advertisements. It seems to be announced soon in the USA, Australia, Germany, and Thailand, targeting viewers who want to watch programs other than music videos. <3791> IG Port <9984> SoftBank Group <4676> Fuji
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks that have switched to Sell market Code Stock Name Close SAR Tokyo Main Board <1605> INPEX 1876 1945 <1814> Daisue Construction 17591830 <1930> Hokuriku Electric Industry 12151246 <1941> Chudenko 33153415 <2148> ITM 16871738 <2157> Koshidaka HD 10741166 <2325> NJS 41504535 <2331>
Fuji Media Holdings Reports Growth Amidst Forecasted Challenges
Stocks that moved or were traded in the first half of the session.
*Takasago International Corporation <4914> 6150 -Significantly revised upward the financial estimates and dividend forecasts. *GMO Internet <4784> 1350 +214 The guidance for this period and expectations for increased dividends continue to have an impact. *PeptiDream <4587> 2343.5 +354 The guidance for increased profits this period is viewed positively. *PKSHA Technology <3993> 4720 +700 The first quarter showed significant profit growth and good progress. *Lion Corporation <4912> 1858.