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Oriental Shiraishi, Nissui, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ----------------------------------------------------- <3291> Iida GHD Daiwa "3" "2" <4189> KH Neochem Daiwa "3" "2" <6504> Fuji Electric SMBC Nikko "2" "1" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------------------------------------------
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 2) = Mitsukoshi Isetan, Japan New Drug ETC.
◎Mizuho Securities (three-stage: Buy > Hold > underperform) Mitsukoshi Isetan <3099.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 2400 yen → 2600 yen Sotetsu Holdings <9003.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 2900 yen → 2700 yen Mitsui Trust Holdings <9302.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 4800 yen → 8000 yen ◎Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three-stage: Overweight > Equal Weight > Underweight) Nippon Shinyaku <4516.T> - "Eico"
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks switched to Sell market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1885> Toa Construction 1143 1199 <2181> Persol HD 229238 <2201> Morinaga Confectionery 26092692 <2212> Yamazaki Baking 27032890 <2229> Calbee 28353008 <2264> Morinaga Milk 27422935 <2270> Snow Brand Milk Products 25402712 <2301> Gakujo 2130
List of stocks breaking through the clouds (weekly chart) (part 1)
○ List of Stocks Breaking Through the Clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Main Board <1814> Daisue Construction 1734 1673 1560.5 <1835> Tokyu Construction 3215 3148 2965.5 <1879> Shin Nihon Construction 1605 1556.5 1407.5 <1928> Sekisui House 3583 3578.2 53322.5 <1930> Hokuriku Electric Construction 1201 1170 1103
Obic's Attributable Profit Climbs 13% in Fiscal Nine Months
Iwai Koss Corp, T Horizon, Hioki Electric, etc.
Astellas Pharma <4503> 1518.5 +16.5 significantly continues to rise. A performance revision was announced at the end of last week. The full-year operating profit has been revised down from the previous estimate of 80 billion yen to 11 billion yen, due to the impairment of the age-related macular degeneration treatment drug "Eylea" accompanied by geographic atrophy, gene therapy candidates, and ultra-small implantable Medical Devices. The impairment of Eylea itself was within the expected range, but the extent of the impairment was greater than anticipated. However, the core operating profit, due to the effects of the depreciation of the yen, has been revised from the previous 300 billion yen to 370.