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The Nikkei average is up about 20 yen, and after the Buy surge, it shows heavy movement in the upper range = 24 days before the market.
On the 24th at around 10:09 AM, the Nikkei Stock Average is trading about 20 yen higher than the previous weekend, around 37,700 yen. At 9:00 AM, it reached 38,841.68 yen, up by 164.62 yen. In the morning, there was some easing of caution regarding the impact on the US economy from the introduction of mutual tariffs starting April 2nd in the US stock market on the 21st local time, resulting in a rebound of the NY Dow Inc and the Nasdaq Composite Index. As a result, buying was prioritized. However, since the previous week also witnessed a heavy upper range, selling in anticipation of a pullback emerged afterward.
Market Overview Early Bird Information = Main situation of market orders before the afternoon session (2) LINE Yahoo, Rakuten, Mizuho, ETC.
As of 12:20 PM on the 21st, the main pre-opening market order situation is as follows. LINE <4689.T> Sell 20,000 shares, Buy 50,000 shares Japan Post <6178.T> Sell 20,000 shares, Buy 10,000 shares Advantest <6857.T> Sell 20,000 shares, Buy 20,000 shares Rakuten <4755.T> Sell 20,000 shares, Buy 60,000 shares Tokyo Metro <9023.T> Sell 40,000 shares, Buy 50,000 shares Mizuho <8411.T> Sell 70,000 shares, Buy 30,000 shares Provided by: Wealth Advisor Co.
Asahi, MonotaRO ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4385> Mercari Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------------- <3
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 2) = Alback, Resonaq, ETC.
◎ Mizuho Securities (three-tiered: Buy > Hold > Underperform) Albak <6728.T> - "Buy" → "Buy", 10,500 yen → 8,400 yen Kikkoman <2801.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 1,790 yen → 1,600 yen Odakyu <9007.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 1,750 yen → 1,600 yen ◎ Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three-tiered: Overweight > Equal Weight > Underweight) Resonac <4004.T> -- "O
Through joint development of exclusive products with food companies and specialty shops in "Rakuten Ichiba" and "Rakuten Gourmet", the sale of frozen foods will be expanded.
Print Share: Viber Share Viber Download. On March 21, 2025, Rakuten Group Inc. expanded the sales of frozen foods through the joint development of exclusive food products with food companies and specialty stores on "Rakuten Ichiba" and "Rakuten Gourmet." As the first release, the "Deliciously Ultimate Tender Pork Curry" developed in collaboration with "Curry House CoCo Ichibanya" was launched. Share: Viber Share Viber Download managed by Rakuten Group Inc.
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of Buy Conversion Stocks Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1333> Maruha Nichiro 3266 3033 <1375> Snow Country Maitake 11801138 <1801> Taisei Corporation 69986364 <1802> Obayashi Corporation 20561907 <1803> Shimizu Corporation 14001294 <1861> Kumagai Gumi 41453795 <1925> Daiwa House 50404892 <1928> Sekisui.