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MonotaRO, Daio Paper, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Broker Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------- <1911> Sumitomo Forestry SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <4062> Ibiden Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight" <5333> Gaishi Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Broker Previous After ---------------------------
Idemitsu to Build Large-Scale Lithium Sulfide Plant in Japan
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Unsponsored ADR, Dai Nippon etc. [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Unsponsored ADR <6503> launches a new series of PLC units, developed for the first time in 10 years, with processing speeds dozens of times faster (Nikkan Kogyo, Page 1) – ○*Osaka Gas <9532> aims to decarbonize city gas by up to 40% by 2040 (Nikkan Kogyo, Page 3) – ○*Dainikko <6635> to demonstrate rapid EV charging with solar power at its headquarters factory next month (Nikkan Kogyo, Page 5) – ○*Nippon Electric Glass <5333> acquires German company for 43.2 billion yen, expanding sub-nano membrane (Nikkan Kogyo, Page 5) – ○*Itochu <8001> to sell all fodder additives from the Sumika and Ehime factory.
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 1) = Sakata Seed, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, ETC.
◎Nomura Securities (three-level: Buy > Neutral > Reduce) Sakata Seed <1377.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 5500 yen → 5400 yen Fuji Film <4901.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 4300 yen → 4100 yen Denso <6902.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 2900 yen → 2850 yen Aisin <7259.T> --- "Buy" → "Buy", 2050 yen → 2100 yen Asics <7936.T> --- "Buy" →
List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks that have broken through the clouds in the market Code Stock Name Close Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1417> Mirait One 2245 2243.75 2229 <2170> LINK & M 575558.55 69 <2918> Warabe Nissho 2097 2087.5 2072.5 <3673> Broadridge 675653635 <4220> Riken Technos 1055 1025.25 1052 <4521>
The Nikkei average is down about 480 yen, softening after initial Sell activity = the morning session of the 26th.
On the 26th at around 10:11 AM, the Nikkei average stock price was around 37,760 yen, down approximately 480 yen compared to the previous day. At 10:10 AM, it hit 37,754.24 yen, down 483.55 yen. This marks the first time the price drops into the 37,000 yen range during trading since December 2, 2024, nearly three months. In the local US stock market on the 25th, although the Dow Inc continued to rise, the Nasdaq Composite Index fell for the fourth consecutive day, while semiconductor-related stocks, which have a high contribution to the Nikkei average, were affected by the SOX.