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List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks that have transitioned to Sell market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Main Board <1786> Oriental Shiraishi 398 399 <1820> Nishimatsu Construction 50495120 <1888> Wakazuki Construction 37453860 <1963> JGC HD 11881422 <1969> Takasago Thermal Engineering 56056249 <1982> Hibiya Engineering 37054190 <2120> LIFULL 179208 <2433> Hakuhodo DY
List of stocks breaking through the clouds (weekly chart) (part 1)
○ List of Stocks Breaking Through the Clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Main Board <1814> Daisue Construction 1734 1673 1560.5 <1835> Tokyu Construction 3215 3148 2965.5 <1879> Shin Nihon Construction 1605 1556.5 1407.5 <1928> Sekisui House 3583 3578.2 53322.5 <1930> Hokuriku Electric Construction 1201 1170 1103
Stocks that moved the previous day part 1: Disco, Furukawa Electric, Fujikura ETC.
Stock name <code> Closing price on the 22nd ⇒ Change from previous day Riko no Gen HD <3561> 1061 +138 Expanded the shareholder benefits system. Bronco B <3091> 3630 +160 Announced that the operating profit is expected to increase by 53.9% for the previous term and 18.5% for the current term. Astroscale <186A> 674 +39 Selected as a research and development project for the economic security important technology development program "Fuel supply technology contributing to extending satellite life." Aeon Kyushu <2653> 2748 -130 Business for the fiscal year ending February 2025.
Nomura Starts Anycolor at Buy; Price Target Is 3,800 Yen
Palemo HD, Kitagawa Seiki, Furukawa Electric, etc.
ANYCOLOR is experiencing a significant rise, currently at 3115, with an increase of 231. Nomura Securities has newly rated the investment as "Buy" and set the Target Price at 3800 yen. Since last October, the new studio has commenced operations, which is expected to lead to an increase in events and promotional projects. Furthermore, signs of a bottoming out in the Overseas business have been observed, and the downside risk to performance is deemed to be declining, indicating a phase where profit expansion can be anticipated. For the fiscal year ending in April 2025, the Financial Estimates of operating profit are expected to be 14.9 billion yen, while for April 2026, it is 17.
ANYCOLOR --- significant continuous rise, expectations for profit expansion have increased, leading domestic securities to recommend Buy.
ANYCOLOR (5032) continues to rise significantly. Nomura Securities has newly rated it as "buy" with a Target Price of 3,800 yen. The new studio is expected to become operational in October 2024, and an increase in events and promotional projects is anticipated. Furthermore, there is a sense of a bottoming out in overseas operations, reducing the downside risk to performance, indicating a phase where profit expansion is expected. Operating profit Financial Estimates for the period ending April 2025 is 14.9 billion yen, with the estimate for the period ending April 2026 at 17.6 billion yen, and for the period ending April 2027...