Nichirin: (Correction/Numerical Data Correction) Partial Corrections to the “Financial Results Report for the Fiscal Year Ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)”
Nichirin: Notice regarding measures to realize management that is conscious of capital costs and stock prices
Nichirin: Summary of financial results for the fiscal year ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)
Nichirin: Matters relating to controlling shareholders, etc.
Nichirin: Notice regarding changes in representative directors and officers and organizational changes
Nichirin: Notice regarding revisions (dividend increases) to year-end dividend forecasts
Nichirin: Notice Concerning Revision of the Stock Remuneration System with Transfer Restrictions
Nichirin: Notice regarding revisions to dividend forecasts (dividends commemorating the 110th anniversary of establishment)
Nichirin: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)
Nichirin: Interim financial results briefing materials for the fiscal year ending 2024/12 and progress on measures to realize management that is conscious of capital costs and stock prices
Nichirin: Confirmation letter
Nichirin: Confirmation letter
Nichirin: Corrected Securities Report - 140th term (2023/01/01 - 2023/12/31)
Nichirin: Corrected Financial Report - 139th Term (2022/01/01 - 2022/12/31)
Nichirin: Treasury stock purchase status report (based on Act Section 24-6 (1))
Nichirin: Change Report
Nichirin: Announcement of the results of the acquisition of treasury stock through off-auction own share repurchase transactions (ToSTNeT-3) and the end of the acquisition.
Nichirin: Announcements of individual stock: Notice regarding the acquisition of treasury stock and the purchase of treasury stock outside of the exchange using ToSTNeT-3.
Nichirin: Half-Year Report - 141st Term (2024/01/01 - 2024/12/31)
Nichirin: Confirmatory letter.