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MonoAI Technology: (Correction/Numerical Data Correction) Partial Corrections to the “Summary Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending 2024/12 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)”
MonoAI Technology: (Correction) Partial revisions to financial results presentation materials for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2024/12
Palemo HD and other stocks with interesting characteristics observed from Volume changes.
Stock closing prices compared to the previous day and Volume *<2778> Palemo HD 160,356,135,100 *<3561> Chikara no Moto HD 106,113,817,558,00 *<3896> Awa Papermaking 469,346,6500 *<5240> Mono AI 357,145,11200 *<6189> G Kids 702,736,500 *<6832> Aoi Electronics 210,097,37800 *<4080> Tanaka Chemical Research 523,182,24000 *<2389> Digital HD 129,557,212,600 *<21
Askul etc [buy demand for next week]
[Buy Demand for Next Week (Table)] Code; Brand; Stock Price Impact; Buy Demand; Margin Ratio; Closing Price; Day-on-day Comparison <9885> ; Charle; 665%; 77800; 5.56; 361; -4 <3035> ; KTK; 620%; 3100; 18.69; 554; 1 <5240> ; Mono AI; 453%; 60200; 5.64; 413; -3 <3091> ; Bronco B; 401%; 77700; 0.15; 3690; 20 <7925> ; Maesawa Chemical; 30
Starting lineup, RentRacs, and others.
<142A> Jingib downward revision, current fiscal year operating profit forecast 0.008 billion yen ← 0.24 billion yen <145A> Acquisition of shares of System Em's, which is engaged in development of Elise B system (web system / OA · FA system) and others, and subsidiary <149A> Sinka downward revision, current fiscal year operating profit forecast 0.073 billion yen ← 0.171 billion yen <157A> Establishment of G Monster subsidiary <195A> Rice curry performance forecast revised, current fiscal year operating profit forecast 0.125 billion yen ← 0.32 billion yen electric power A
MonoAI Technology: Presentation of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2024/12