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M3 ETC [Stocks with potential based on volume changes]
Closing prices of stocks and their changes in Volume * <2837> GX Small Japanese Stocks 232110113473 * <3559> P Ban 45480415200 * <4370> Mobilus 3246115400 * <9273> Koa Shoji HD 69280509200 * <4308> J Stream 41438408800 * <4316> V Map 387269900 * <173A> Hammock 159212959100 * <5952> Amatei 18322224900 * <6969
SoftBank's operating profit for Q3 increased by 12.3% to 821.8 billion yen.
The results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025, announced by SoftBank <9434>, showed a revenue of 4 trillion 811.4 billion 63 million yen, a 6.6% increase compared to the same period last year, and an operating profit of 821.8 billion 61 million yen, a 12.3% increase year-on-year. PayPay's performance improved. The core mobile business also showed steady recovery from the impact of mobile price reductions. 【Positive assessment】 <6645> Omron quarter | <4284> Solxyz full year <7189> Nishi Nippon FH quarter | <7370> Enjin revision
Asia Pile Holdings 9-Mos Net Y2.41B Vs Net Y3.18B
Asia Pile Holdings Sees FY Net Y2.30B
Asia Pile Holdings: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
List of conversion stocks (Part 2)
○ List of Stocks Converted to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1929> Nichitokuken 1042 1089 <1968> Taiheiyo Electric 46854950 <1975> Asahi Kogyo 21272295 <2060> Feed One 788861 <2109> DM Mitsui Sugar 34153510 <2317> Systema 341363 <262A> Inter-Mestic 21272573 <