3.11BMarket Cap30.74P/E (TTM)
1.680High1.650Low2.27MVolume1.680Open1.680Pre Close3.78MTurnover1.89952wk High0.27%Turnover Ratio1.88BShares1.33452wk Low0.054EPS TTM1.43BFloat Cap1.899Historical High48.82P/E (Static)859.26MShs Float0.970Historical Low0.034EPS LYR1.79%Amplitude0.02Dividend TTM4.54P/B100Lot Size1.33%Div YieldTTM
All Also Taken : how is it? pity the stock is so overpriced
104730749 : Aussie cow dairy, should be almost export quality
104730749 : butter is high margin product if done right, finally FF gets it.
104730749 : next product that FF should aim for is Protein Milk beverage to challenge Rokeby Farms. Come on, our neighbor Thailand have a huge selection of Protein beverages at 7-11 but Malaysia only has one brand. This is huge margin product.
micpoh : Seems delicious