282.72MMarket Cap-6.20P/E (TTM)
0.290High0.280Low2.62MVolume0.280Open0.285Pre Close748.18KTurnover1.08252wk High0.36%Turnover Ratio992.00MShares0.22052wk Low-0.046EPS TTM209.26MFloat Cap1.513Historical HighLossP/E (Static)734.26MShs Float0.220Historical Low-0.046EPS LYR3.51%Amplitude0.01Dividend TTM0.65P/B100Lot Size4.21%Div YieldTTM
小卷卷 : This is a private matter and should not have much impact; at most, it will result in a monetary loss, nothing serious.
103459102 : not abig deal is not any financial or company fraud related