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List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks converted to Sell in the market Code Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1377> Sakata Seed 3430 3500 <1433> Bestera 9811029 <1939> Shikoku Electric Power 13281404 <2053> Chubu Fodder 13741418 <2267> Yakult 29943141 <2270> Snow Brand Milk Products 26802719 <2292> S FOODS 2535 2
The Nikkei average is up about 20 yen, and after the Buy surge, it shows heavy movement in the upper range = 24 days before the market.
On the 24th at around 10:09 AM, the Nikkei Stock Average is trading about 20 yen higher than the previous weekend, around 37,700 yen. At 9:00 AM, it reached 38,841.68 yen, up by 164.62 yen. In the morning, there was some easing of caution regarding the impact on the US economy from the introduction of mutual tariffs starting April 2nd in the US stock market on the 21st local time, resulting in a rebound of the NY Dow Inc and the Nasdaq Composite Index. As a result, buying was prioritized. However, since the previous week also witnessed a heavy upper range, selling in anticipation of a pullback emerged afterward.
The Nikkei Average fell by 74 points, continuing its downward trend, while the TOPIX remains strong, rising for eight consecutive days = Afternoon session on the 21st.
On the 21st, in the afternoon session, the Nikkei Stock Average fell by 74.82 yen to 37,677.06 yen compared to the previous trading day. Meanwhile, the TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) rose by 8.20 points to 2,804.16 points, marking its eighth consecutive increase. This is the longest streak since January 15, 2024, a period of about one year and two months. In the morning, influenced by a slight decline in the NY Dow and Nasdaq Composite Index in the local U.S. stock market on the 20th, selling pressure was observed. When the Nikkei opened at 9:00 AM, it was down by 132.51 yen to 37,619.37 yen.
The Advance Reading Strategy Command Room = EREX: profits are recovering smoothly, positive towards partnership strategies, aiming for dips.
Irex <9517.T> is steadily recovering its earnings, is proactive about partnership strategies, and the daily chart shows an upward trend, intending to aim for a buying opportunity. Focusing on biomass power generation, the company is engaged in a consistent range of electrical utility businesses from fuel business, power generation business, to the trading business that becomes increasingly important with deregulation, and the retail electricity business, aiming for growth centered around renewable Energy. The underwriting partner of the third-party allocation capital increase completed on May 30, 2024, is JFE Holdings <5411.T> subsidiary JF.
ELECOM, ASICS, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<9204> Skymark Morgan S "Overweight" "Equal Weight" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<3861
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 1) = Elecom, NSSOL, ETC.
◎ Nomura Securities (three-tiered: Buy > neutral > Reduce) Elecom <6750.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 2,100 yen → 2,300 yen JFE HD <5411.T> -- "Neutral" → "Neutral", 1,950 yen → 1,800 yen Sumitomo Metal <5713.T> -- "Neutral" → "Neutral", 4,100 yen → 3,700 yen Tamron <7740.T> -- "Neutral" → "Neutral", 4,200 yen → 4,000 yen ◎ Daiwa Securities (5