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Ribomic and other ETC [stocks of interest viewed from volume change]
Stock closing price, compared to the previous day, Volume * <6029> Atora G 1230727700 * <9761> Tokai Lease 2175332258600 * <4422> VALUE NEX 6878847700 * <2673> Dream Finding Team 1001821700 * <4265> IGS 27924211500 * <4591> Ribomic 1181223479000 * <5578> AR Advanced 172511049100 * <7044> Piala 24712205100 * <2
Volume change rate ranking (9 AM) - Hioki Electric, Iwai Koss Corp, etc. are ranked.
The volume change rate ranking can reveal the trends of market participants' interests by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the day of delivery. ■ Top volume change rates [As of January 27, 9:32] (Comparison of average volume over the last five days) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <8707> Iwai Koss Corp 240400 107185.08 184.64% 0.1016% <7198>
It is important to continue the search for delayed investments.
Weekly outlook from January 27 to January 31: Is the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Index stable, with expectations for continued buying of lagging stocks? It will be interesting to see if the buying of large Market Cap stocks seen at the end of the week continues. Additionally, there seems to be interest in AI-related stocks that can be associated with Donald Trump, such as Ridge-i <5572>, ABEJA <5574>, and AR Advanced Technology <5578>. Many AI-related stocks have only just started to rise at the end of last week, and there does not appear to be a sense of overheating yet.
Emerging Markets Outlook: The Growth Market 250 Index is in a battle to break through the 200-day moving average, will the lagging sector continue to be favored?
■ The Emerging Markets rose this week, appearing to correct their previous lag. During the same period, while the Nikkei average increased by +3.85%, the Growth Market Index rose by +2.49% and the Growth Market 250 Index by +2.38%, which was somewhat sluggish compared to the Nikkei average. With the emergence of the second Trump administration, there is a growing sense of expectation for economic policies, such as large tax cuts and massive AI investments, leading to a rise in U.S. stocks. In the Tokyo market, there was a stronger focus on Large Cap stocks, particularly in the Main Board, and the Emerging Markets were influenced by the rise in Large Cap stocks.
Soft tone, with declines in U.S. stocks and rising U.S. long-term interest rates weighing heavily.
[Emerging Markets Individual Stock Strategy] Today's Emerging Markets are expected to be soft. In the Tokyo market, during the three-day weekend last week, on the 10th, the U.S. stock market saw the Dow Inc drop by 696.75 points (-1.63%). The unexpectedly improved employment statistics for December led to a retreat in interest rate cut expectations, which caused long-term interest rates to rise and put pressure on stock prices. Yesterday, the 13th, saw a rebound with an increase of 358.67 points (+0.86%) to 42,297.12 dollars. While the retreat of interest rate cut expectations is weighing down, the Energy Sector has risen due to soaring oil prices.
<Today's individual materials>Jins HD, Takihiyo, Olympic, AR Adtech, etc. (Announced on the 10th)
▽JINS HD <3046.T>, the consolidated financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending August 2025 (September to November 2024) show significant profit growth. ▽TakiHiyo <9982.T> has upwardly revised its consolidated financial forecasts for the fiscal year ending February 2025, increasing its term-end Dividends estimate from 15 yen to 20 yen (previous fiscal year actual: 15 yen). ▽OLYMPI <8289.T> has downwardly revised its consolidated financial forecasts for the fiscal year ending February 2025. ▽AR Ad Tech <5578.T>, the consolidated financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year ending August 2025 (September to November 2024) show that final profit and loss have turned into a deficit. ▽Good