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*Special Treat WenTou (600715.SH): Peking Yaolai Cinema Wukesong store's box office is approximately 7.848 million in 2025, ranking first in nationwide single-store box office.
*ST Wentou (600715.SH) stated on the interactive platform on February 18 that after this reorganization, the company will still retain core Assets and Business related to cinemas and games. As of now, the company operates 23 cinemas, has 186 screens, and offers 26,731 seats. Among them, the Peking Yaolai Cinema Wukesong store's box office revenue in 2025 is approximately 7.848 million, ranking first in national single-store box office. During the Spring Festival, the Yaolai Cinema Wukesong store broke through one million in daily box office, being the first in the Industry, and won the dual crown for box office and audience attendance during the Spring Festival. This reorganization allows the company to comprehensively resolve existing issues.
*Special Treat Wente (600715.SH): The controlling Shareholder has changed to Shouwenke Group.
*ST Wenti (600715.SH) announced on February 6 that, after the current stock distribution, Shouwenke Group and its concerted actors, Peking Zhenhong Enterprise Operation Management Co., Ltd., Peking Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd., Peking Lunyang Publishing Co., Ltd., China Bookstore Co., Ltd., and Peking Xinyinglian Film and Television Co., Ltd. Hold a total of 1,197,481,259 shares of the company, with a shareholding ratio of 29.50%. Peking Cultural Capital Holding Co., Ltd. and its concerted actors, Beijing Cultural Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Cultural Capital Cultural Industry Investment Center (with
Cultural Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. 2024 Annual Results Advance Loss Announcement
*Special Treat Wento (600715.SH): Expected net loss of 0.85 billion yuan - -1.05 billion yuan in 2024.
On January 17, GeLongHui reported that *ST WenTou (600715.SH) announced the following: 1. It is expected that the company will achieve a total profit of -1,050 million yuan to -850 million yuan for the fiscal year 2024. 2. It is expected that the company will achieve a net income attributable to shareholders of listed companies ranging from -1,050 million yuan to -850 million yuan, and a net income attributable to shareholders of listed companies, excluding non-recurring gains and losses, ranging from -800 million yuan to -650 million yuan. 3. It is expected that the company will achieve revenue from 360 million yuan to 432 million yuan in the fiscal year 2024.
Optimistic Investors Push Cultural Investment Holdings Co.,Ltd (SHSE:600715) Shares Up 112% But Growth Is Lacking
*Special Treat Wento (600715.SH): Application to revoke the Delisted risk warning.
*ST Cultural Investment Holdings (600715.SH) announced on December 23 that recently, the administrator issued a "Supervisory Report on the Implementation of the Restructuring Plan of Cultural Investment Holdings". Peking Zhonglun Law Firm issued a "Legal Opinion on the Completion of the Restructuring Plan of Cultural Investment Holdings Co., Ltd." The company has eliminated the delisting risk warning situation caused by the court's decision to accept the restructuring; however, since the company still has other delisting risk warnings and other risk warnings, the company's stocks will continue to be subject to delisting risk warnings and other risk warnings, and the stock abbreviation will remain as '*ST Cultural Investment Holdings'.