The company is an actual controlled listed company under China Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd. Its main business covers electronic defense equipment, strategic emerging industries and other related fields, and has the only domestic scientific research and production capacity in the field of hydroacoustic electronics. It provides various electronic information products including underwater information technology equipment, smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent equipment, satellite communication, and special power supplies. The company's business mainly covers the field of electronic defense equipment, the electronic information industry, and the field of professional technical services. In these fields, it also carries out R&D and production in the fields of hydroacoustic electronic defense products, special electronic products, electronic information products, etc., and provides related professional technical services. Main products: Underwater acoustics and electronics, underwater attack and defense, satellite navigation, special computers, motion control, special power supplies, electromechanical equipment, intelligent manufacturing, smart cities, smart oceans, satellite navigation, new energy equipment, environmental protection equipment, oil and gas related equipment, mechanical and electrical equipment, reinforced computers, testing and testing services.
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