Befar GroupLtd's low P/E ratio is due to declining earnings. Shareholders accept this, anticipating no pleasant surprises in future earnings. If medium-term earnings trends persist, share price may remain stable.
The 27% share price drop isn't as severe as the EPS reduction, indicating the weak EPS wasn't as feared. Last year's performance suggests unresolved issues, worse than the 1.4% annualised loss over the past five years. Investors should consider other data and potential risks before investing.
Despite Befar Group's higher-than-market growth forecast, the company's low P/E ratio indicates that shareholders doubt the forecasts and are accepting substantially lower selling prices due to anticipated earnings volatility.
Despite Befar Group's higher-than-market growth forecast, the company's low P/E ratio indicates that shareholders doubt the forecasts and are accepting substantially lower selling prices due to anticipated earnings volatility.
Despite Befar Group's higher-than-market growth forecast, the company's low P/E ratio indicates that shareholders doubt the forecasts and are accepting substantially lower selling prices due to anticipated earnings volatility.
Despite Befar Group's higher-than-market growth forecast, the company's low P/E ratio indicates that shareholders doubt the forecasts and are accepting substantially lower selling prices due to anticipated earnings volatility.
Befar Group Stock Forum
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