19.04BMarket Cap12.44P/E (TTM)
16.02High15.38Low46.63KlotVolume15.83Open15.74Pre Close72.89MTurnover0.59%Turnover Ratio12.05P/E (Static)1.23BShares17.0652wk High1.40P/B12.22BFloat Cap10.1652wk Low17.31Limit Up791.90MShs Float32.64Historical High14.17Limit Down4.07%Amplitude5.75Historical Low0.77Dividend TTM15.63Avg Price19.61KlotAsk4.99%Div YieldTTM100Lot Size24.79KlotBid
103916021 : k
Cui Nyonya Kueh :
ValueBull : $CityDev (C09.SG)$ is a fake technical design to cheat and bluff investors that it is in a downtrend when there are positive data coming out for the company
Cui Nyonya Kueh : As I said lower low. Thank God I was out. Some still want to criticize me due to their high ego No time for them
103356238jenny tan :
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