Short Name-A紫燕食品
Company NameShanghai Ziyan Foods Co., Ltd.
Listing DateSep 26, 2022
Issue Price15.15
Shares Offered42.00M share(s)
FoundedJun 9, 2000
Listed ExchangeSH Stock Exchange
Legal Representativewuchao ge
General Managerwuchao ge
Secretarypengbo cao
Accounting FirmLixin Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
Securities Representativesimin huang
Legal CounselJunHe Law Firm Shanghai Branch
Office AddressNo. 215 Shennan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
Zip Code201108
Registered AddressNo. 215 Shennan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
Business License310112000257402
BusinessLicensed projects: food production; food business. (Projects requiring approval according to law can only be carried out after approval by relevant departments. Specific business projects are subject to documents or licenses approved by relevant departments) General projects: e-commerce (not to engage in financial business), social and economic consulting services, brand management, technology development, technology transfer, and technical services in the field of computer technology, sales of packaging materials, electronic products, hardware and electricity transmission, non-residential real estate leasing, catering services (limited to branch operations). (With the exception of projects subject to approval according to law, independently carry out business activities based on a business license in accordance with the law)