242.66BMarket Cap39.71P/E (TTM)
43.95High43.32Low19.76KlotVolume43.58Open43.56Pre Close86.19MTurnover0.04%Turnover Ratio43.12P/E (Static)5.56BShares52.9952wk High8.26P/B242.66BFloat Cap32.3652wk Low47.92Limit Up5.56BShs Float125.54Historical High39.20Limit Down1.45%Amplitude3.54Historical Low0.66Dividend TTM43.61Avg Price8.13KlotAsk1.51%Div YieldTTM100Lot Size10.55KlotBid
Foshan Haitian Flavouring and Food Stock Forum
I am not sure how Alibaba became synonymous with China stocks - maybe because of the outspoken Jack Ma that created all the awareness for his company.
But the fallout of Ant Group IPO and a series of regulations have dragged down Alibaba's share price by more than 50% from the high, disappointing m...
Good fundamental stock to consider
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