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Investors Still Aren't Entirely Convinced By XIANGPIAOPIAO Food Co.,Ltd's (SHSE:603711) Earnings Despite 30% Price Jump
Xiangpiaopiao Food is seeking new growth through offline sales of milk tea, and its stock price has already achieved two consecutive increases.| First-line
① Analysts have pointed out that the integration of online and offline Operations, achieving complementary resources and advantages, has become an inevitable trend for the future development of the fast-moving consumer goods Industry in China. ② Considering the significant differences between the business models of "pre-packaged products" and "tea shops", Xiangpiaopiao Food currently has no plans to open a chain of tea shops. ③ The small-pack custom Meco, like fresh fruit tea, has already been launched on the Wancheng Group system.
Here's Why XIANGPIAOPIAO FoodLtd (SHSE:603711) Can Manage Its Debt Responsibly
Market Chatter: Xiangpiaopiao Food Opens Maiden Fresh Tea Drinks Store; Shares Down 5%
Calculating The Fair Value Of XIANGPIAOPIAO Food Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603711)
The Recent Pullback Must Have Dismayed XIANGPIAOPIAO Food Co.,Ltd (SHSE:603711) Insiders Who Own 78% of the Company
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