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Investors Could Be Concerned With Shanghai Kelai Mechatronics EngineeringLtd's (SHSE:603960) Returns On Capital
Shanghai kelai mechatronics engineering (603960.SH): Currently, the business does not involve the low-altitude economy.
Shanghai Kelai Mechatronics Engineering (603960.SH) stated on the investor interaction platform on November 26 that the company's current business does not involve low-altitude economy.
Shanghai Kelai Mechatronics Engineering Co.,Ltd.'s (SHSE:603960) Most Bullish Insider Is CEO Shi Li Tan, and Their Holdings Value Went up by 15% Last Week
Krei Mechatronics Third Quarter Report 2024
Shanghai Kelai Mechatronics EngineeringLtd's (SHSE:603960) Earnings Have Declined Over Three Years, Contributing to Shareholders 37% Loss
Shanghai Kelai Mechatronics Engineering (603960.SH) plans to distribute a dividend of 0.028 yuan per share on September 26th.
Shanghai Kelai Mechatronics Engineering (603960.SH) announced that the company is planning to distribute equity dividends for the first half of 2024: A shares will receive cash dividends of RMB per share...
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