Architects Studio Japan: change report
Architects Studio Japan: change report
Architects Studio Japan: Corrected Report (Mass Ownership Report/Change Report)
Architects Studio Japan: [Progress Disclosure] Notice regarding mass holdings reports by the largest shareholder who is the main shareholder
Architects Studio Japan: Mass Ownership Report
Architects Studio Japan: change report
Architects Studio Japan: Change report.
Architects Studio Japan: change report
Architects Studio Japan: Stock transfer report relating to third party allotment (new shares)
Architects Studio Japan: Notice Concerning the Exercise of the 4th Stock Acquisition Rights
Architects Studio Japan: Extraordinary Report
Architects Studio Japan: Stock transfer report relating to third party allotment (new shares)
Architects Studio Japan: Stock transfer report relating to third party allotment (new shares)
Architects Studio Japan: Notice regarding stock sales, the largest shareholder who is the main shareholder, and changes in other affiliated companies and major shareholders
Architects Studio Japan: Notice regarding making Chami Corporation Co., Ltd. a subsidiary through a simple share grant
Architects Studio Japan: Legal Advance Disclosure Documents (Stock Issuance) (Chami Corporation Co., Ltd.)
Architects Studio Japan: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Architects Studio Japan: Notice Concerning Approval of Partial Transfer of Stock Acquisition Rights
Architects Studio Japan: Notice regarding capital and business alliance with Chami Corporation Co., Ltd.
Architects Studio Japan: Notice regarding the appointment of an executive officer and the resignation of a director who is an alternate member of the Audit and Supervisory Committee